Welcome to our website


Hello, my name is Emilie, I am 56 years old, I am French of Cameroonian origin.
Founding president of the association La ferme de Léo.
Godmother and manager of the ADANS association in Mbalmayo Cameroon.
Secretary to Team RCZ Luxembourg.
I am an only child and after the death of my mother Léonie, I inherited around 60 ha of land, forest and fallow in the village of Nkoumadzap in Cameroon, 55 km south of Yaoundé.
I have a project to create an NGO in Cameroon;
A humanitarian, ecological and organic farm, autonomous.
The goal being to make agriculture, breeding, fish farming, a leisure center with accommodation, having a library, study rooms and workshops for children, This will create jobs, improve local life, and the profits will be used for the education and schooling of children.
The farm will be located on two sites, one in the village of 5 ha around where I have 48 ha for planting, the other in town where it will be necessary to acquire land. The village has no electricity or running water.
The association was created with the inhabitants of the village and the city, it is called La Ferme De Léo in homage to my mother Léonie.
There are thousands of associations of this kind around the world, the only way for us to exist is that as many people as possible are aware and can talk about it, I need, La Ferme de Léo needs, the children, the village and the region need a helping hand please Thanks for your support !

                              Léo's farm is a legal association, law 1908 court of Metz France.

Thanks for supporting us.
Any help, whether human, financial or material, is welcome. You can also give advice, advice and any help that may allow us to move forward in the realization of this project.
Please contact You can also find us on Facebook
Our page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/LaFermeDeLeo/
The group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lafermedeleo/  
LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13615137/

La Ferme De Léonie


La Ferme de Léo is an association created on December 28, 2018 in Mbalmayo, Cameroon.

On June 19, 2019, the agriculture branch of La ferme de Léo officially becomes an agro-pastoral cooperative basin.

Our cooperative basin has 200 ha of land for exploitation and we are interested in all proposals.


 Join us, become

La Ferme De Léo,adherer,

Join us, become a member, volunteer, you can surely help us. 

Volunteer Research 

La Ferme De Léo, Reherche bénévoles pour mision humanitaire Cameroun,

We are looking for volunteers for our future missions Humanitarian In Cameroon.

school supplies to children

Djankawax, vente et customisation de tissus pagne wax en ligne,
 Our goal is to be able to offer school supplies to children as of September 2021.


La Ferme De Léo,don

Cameroon 2020
our activities in 2020

La ferme de Léo, bénévoles, Cameroun 2019, Nkoumadzap, Mbalamyo, Nkolnyama,

Cameroon 2019 our activities in 2019                                        

La ferme de Léo, bénévoles, Cameroun 2020, Nkoumadzap, Mbalamyo, Nkolnyama,

Cameroon 2020
our activities in 2020

La ferme de Léo, bénévoles, Cameroun 2021, Nkoumadzap, Mbalamyo, Nkolnyama,

Cameroon 2021
our activities in 2021

La Ferme De Léo, Léonie,

the Leo mom, the one by whom everything starts,
Leo sewing, Leo entrepreneur, leo macabo etc ... Here are some names she had, Leo was a very active woman; dynamic and rather touches everything, able to compete with some men by manually working just with the strength of his arms, hunting, fishing, agriculture, etc ...
She was always at the service of her family and others, thanks to her Heritage and with your support this dream that was a little bit her, we hope it can become a reality.
The farm of this fact will bear her name in memory of all that she has been able to do and accomplish within the family.

La ferme de Léo-LFDL-Cameroun_2019,Nkoumadzap,
LFDL-Cameroun-La ferme de Léo-adhérer-
La ferme de Léo-liens,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,bénévoles,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,bénévoles,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,bénévoles,
La ferme de Léo-Cameroun,Nkoumadzap,bornages,
La ferme de Léo-LFDL-Cameroun_2020-Nkolnyama,La ferme de Léo-LFDL-Cameroun_2019,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-LFDL-Cameroun_2019,Nkoumadzap,
La ferme de Léo-Ngouap
La ferme de Léo-Nkoumadzap
La ferme de Léo-Nkoumadzap,