Our future fruiters
The Rider, Rima fruit: Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg var belongs to the family Moraceae and the genus Artocarpus J.R. Forst. and G. Forst which includes about sixty species.
Description of the Rimier.
The rim is monoecious, the male and female flowers appear on the same tree. It can reach a height of 20 meters Its trunk can be bulky, its flexible and brittle branches are spread horizontally. All parts of the tree contain latex.
The alternate leaves are larger than 1 m in length cut into four or five lobes.
The male flowers are club-shaped. The female flowers are located in the axils of the terminal leaves and give the fruit. The female inflorescence consists of a thousand small flowers on a spongy center.
The round fruit a syncarp has an epidermis bristling with soft spines. It is green in color, turning yellow when ripe. The seeds occupy the whole volume of the fruit.
The Rimier multiplies by its seeds or plantation of rejects that it produces. The seeds of the Rimier are eaten boiled or grilled
Culture, maintenance of the Rimier. The Rimier enjoys a bright, half-shaded location, high temperatures, and high water requirements.
In the French West Indies, a chestnut tree (Artocarpus altilis var., Seminifera) is a fertile variety cultivated for its cooked beans.